Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: WOD07
Dark red and clear pattern for when you want that walnut look but keeping it more clear and woodlike.Film Width: 90/100cmRecommended Base: Anything light depending on desired final colours..
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: WOD04
A reddish colour woodgrain pattern. You can change the darkness of the pattern by varying the base colour - white will give you a clear vivid result, beige looks a little more realistic, or you can try light reds if you want a more mahogany look to it.Film Width: 100cmRecommended Base: Anything ligh..
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: MET13
Full colour rusted metal effect pattern.Film Width: 50cmRecommended Base: Anything colourful or light or stick with silver for that original metal look...
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: MET14
Lots of people asked us for a 100cm rust pattern after we added the MET13 Rusty metal pattern in 50cm. It's a different design but still definitely rust, so Rusty Metal II it is!Film Width: 100cmRecommended Base: Anything light...
Brand: HydroMonkeys
Product Code: HMSR1
Take a well-known metal pattern and make it worse.... A little wear, a little grunge, and you get a whole new (and very much improved) look...Then lock it up in a room with a monster Velocirator and see what the result is...Multiple layers of metals, torn up revealing more and more as you go deeper...
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: TAR01
As Big Dawg we were based in Scotland so it just made sense for us to stock some tartan patterns! This one is mainly Black and clear so provides maximum custom colour options.Film Width: 50cmRecommended Base: White, or Silver (but feel free to experiment...
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: TAR03
As Big Dawg we were based in Scotland so it just made sense for us to stock some tartan patterns! This one is mainly Black and Green with some clear to still allow you some extra custom options.Film Width: 50cmRecommended Base: White, or Silver (but feel free to experiment...
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: TAR02
As Big Dawg we were based in Scotland so it just made sense for us to stock some tartan patterns! This one is mainly Red and Green with some clear to still allow you some extra custom options.Film Width: 50cmRecommended Base: White, or Silver (but feel free to experiment...
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: WOD03
A full colour photo-realistic wood effect - make anything look like it was grown like a tree!Film Width: 50cmRecommended Base: White or light tan..
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: MAR03
A Black and clear marble pattern which is VERY subtle and looks incredibly realistic.Film Width: 100cmRecommended Base: Anything white is perfect but you can experiement with other light colours...
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: MAR04
A Black and clear marble pattern which looks incredibly realistic.Film Width: 100cmRecommended Base: Anything white is perfect but you can experiment with other light colours...
Brand: Unbranded/Generic
Product Code: WOD01
A Black and clear woodgrain pattern. Now you can create a quality wood effect with almost any colour.Film Width: 100cmRecommended Base: Anything colourful or light..